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3 stories in this thread

09:20 on June 3 2010

Jersey Shore Cast For MTV Movie Awards NewsThe controversial cast of Jersey Shore will appear at the MTV Movie Awards this Sunday in California.   Snooki, J Woww, The Situation, Pauly D and the gang will all hit ... more info
12:00 on June 3 2010

'Jersey Shore' Cast: Sandra Bullock 'Deserves' MTV Generation Award News'She is the most amazing woman in the world. I admire her,' Snooki tells MTV News of the Movie Awards honoree.By Kara Warner Photo: MTV News This year's MTV Gene... more info
00:00 on June 4 2010

'Jersey Shore' Cast: Sandra Bullock 'Deserves' MTV Generation Award

VH1 News"Jersey Shore" castmembers, including JWoww, Snooki and Sammi "Sweetheart," agree that MTV Generation Award honoree Sandra Bullock "deserves the award 100 percent." more info


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