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4 stories in this thread

07:06 on February 2 2010

Jessica Simpson - Simpsons Bedside Vigil For Sick Gran

ContactMusicJESSICA SIMPSON is keeping a bedside vigil for her grandmother, who underwent major surgery last week (ends31Jan10).The Irresistible singer appealed to her followers... more info
11:01 on February 2 2010

Jessica Simpson - Simpsons Nerves Over Runway Debut

ContactMusicJESSICA SIMPSON nearly "puked" during her runway debut in Paris, France last year (09) - because she was so worried fashion critics would make fun of her weight.The curvy... more info
12:10 on February 2 2010

Jessica Simpson Checks Out the 'Cute Doctors'"McDreamy? McSteamy? Clooney?" she Tweets from the hospital where her Nana is recovering more info
16:02 on February 1 2010

Jessica Simpson "I Almost Puked On The Catwalk"

AngryApeNerves got the better of the singer during a fashion show more info


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