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4 stories in this thread

01:05 on March 13 2010

Jessica Simpson Gives Us A Look At Her Cleavage

411 ManiaAnd we appreciate it… more info
15:29 on March 15 2010

Jessica Simpson - Simpson Wades Into Sidibe Weight Debate

ContactMusicJESSICA SIMPSON has become the latest star to wade into the debate over GABOUREY SIDIBE's weight after HOWARD STERN urged the portly Precious star to seek help - the sing... more info
18:02 on March 15 2010

Jessica Simpson: Howard Stern Is 'Disrespectful' For Calling Gabourey Sidibe Fat

StarpulseJessica Simpson has become the latest star to wade into the debate over Gabourey Sidibe's weight after Howard Stern urged the portly "Precious" star to seek help - the si... more info
20:30 on March 12 2010

Jessica Simpson Defends Gabourey Sidibe Against Howard Stern's Criticism!!

Perez HiltonUh-oh!! Watch out, Howard Stern!! Sexual napalm is coming for you next!! Jessica Simpson is lashing out against Howard Stern's harsh critcism of Precious star Gabourey S... more info


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