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6 stories in this thread

06:01 on September 10 2012

Jessica Simpson Out In LA -- Hot or Not?

411 ManiaJessica looks like she's lost some weight -- hot or not? more info
00:08 on September 11 2012

[VIDEO] Jessica Simpson Says She's Lost Over Forty Pounds

411 ManiaCheck out her Weight Watchers commercial... more info
17:11 on September 11 2012

[VIDEO] Check Out Jessica Simpson's First Weight Watchers Commercial

411 ManiaFocusing on her face... more info
14:23 on September 11 2012

Jessica Simpson Gives Face! Face! (And Only Face!) In Her Weight Watchers Commercial

Dlisted While sitting in an Ikea showroom, Jessica Simpson says in her Weight Watchers commercial that she's on her way to losing all the chunk and she's just a real w... more info
15:39 on September 12 2012

In Case You Care About What Kind Of Food Things Jessica Simpson Puts In Her Mouth All Day

DlistedHere's WhatsHisName (the "B" on his hat stands for Bellboy Bitch) following his Truvia Mama (she's off sugar this week) Jessica Simpson as she makes her way thr... more info
18:45 on September 9 2012

Jessica Simpson Is Rocking A Hobo Look So We Can’t Tell How Much Weight She Has Or Hasn’t Lost

Big Apple Music SceneSpoiler alert: I have absolutely no idea how much weight new mom Jessica Simpson has or hasn't lost...and it's driving me crazy. More » Post from: Crushable more info


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