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3 stories in this thread

07:36 on May 6 2011

Jimi Hendrix's family file lawsuit over Royal Albert Hall recordings

NMEHendrix Estate push to settle 40 year legal battle more info
00:49 on May 6 2011

Jimi Hendrix -- The 40 Year Battle for His Music

TMZFiled under: Jimi Hendrix, Music, Celebrity Justice When Jimi Hendrix took the stage at London's Royal Albert Hall back in 1969 ...... more info
11:11 on May 6 2011

Jimi Hendrix - Hendrix Family Files Suit Over Live Recordings

ContactMusicThe family of rock legend Jimi Hendrix is taking legal action over the rights to the soundtrack from two London concerts in 1969. The rocker performed a brace of night... more info


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