Filed under: Jodeci, DeVante Swing, Celebrity Justice, Music
When you think about Subway restaurants, you probably don't think, "Great place to go when you're super drunk" ... unless you're the ex-leader of the '90s R&B group Jodeci . TMZ has learned DeVante Swing -- real name Donald DeGrate Jr. -- was…
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Popeater — Filed under: Music News, Troublemakers, Celebrity Scandal Jodeci singer DeVante Swing was arrested at a Subway in Burbank, CA this past weekend for drunken behavior.
A... more info
ContactMusic — Former JODECI singer DEVANTE SWING has been arrested for drunken conduct at a restaurant in Burbank, California.Footage from a Subway eaterie shows the frontman of the... more info
TMZ — Filed under: DeVante Swing, Music
What happens when a 90s R&B superstar gets drunk at Subway ? He gets arrested ... and TMZ puts togeth... more info