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4 stories in this thread

02:50 on June 10 2010

The Situation and John Mayer Compare Abs at CMT Music Awards

People.comIt turns out not to be much of a competition: The Jersey Shore star takes the prize more info
05:35 on June 10 2010

CMT Awards Gets a Taste of the 'Jersey Shore' & John Mayer

ET Online It seemed everyone came out for the 2010 CMT Music Awards Wednesday night, with John Mayer and "Jersey Shore" cast member Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino flashing t... more info
13:15 on June 10 2010

Uhm, John Mayer?

Perez HiltonHow about NO??!! There was a situation backstage at the CMT Awards last night. John Mayer decided he was fit enough to show the world the briar patch growing on his stoma... more info
17:01 on June 10 2010

John Mayer Can't Stomach The Situation

TMZFiled under: John Mayer, The Situation, Hot Bodies, Jersey Shore Backstage at last night's CMT Music Awards in Nashville , John... more info


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