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4 stories in this thread

17:41 on December 16 2013

Justin Bieber’s Believe Scavenger Hunt Puzzle Piece

Big Apple Music SceneBuckle up Beliebers, because Justin Bieber has found a fun way to get you all giddy for his new concert movie, Believe. It involves you, him, and some puzzle pieces in a ... more info
17:24 on December 16 2013

Austin Mahone Wore A Onesie This Weekend, But Remind Me Again How He’s Not Justin Bieber?

Big Apple Music SceneFor someone who claims to not be the second coming of Bieber, he's certainly not doing a very good job of convincing us. More »Austin Mahone Wore A Onesie This Weekend,... more info
13:52 on December 18 2013

Justin Bieber Says He’s Retiring, Makes The World Believe In Christmas Miracles

Big Apple Music SceneJustin Bieber must have gotten a glimpse of my Christmas list for this year and noticed that my number one request for Santa is "Justin Bieber retiring." And then he must... more info
17:00 on December 19 2013

Giveaway: Win A Justin Bieber Believe Prize Pack!

Big Apple Music SceneJustin Bieber’s hit single “Baby” was released when the Biebs was hardly more than a baby, himself. At barely 16, the Canadian pop star became a household name. His... more info


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