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4 stories in this thread

20:06 on July 30 2013

Taylor Swift Didn't Show Up To Selena Gomez's Birthday Party Because Of Justin Bieber

411 ManiaShe doesn't want to be around him... more info
21:07 on July 29 2013

Justin Bieber Spotted At Selena Gomez's Birthday Party, Brings Red Rose

StarpulseJustin Bieber spared no expense when he bought Selena Gomez a single red rose of her 21st birthday. more info
13:01 on July 29 2013

Justin Bieber Brings Selena Gomez A Single Red Rose, Could Have Totally Afforded A Dozen

Big Apple Music SceneWell, we can't say we didn't try. We gave Selena Gomez the ultimate birthday present -- an order to never ever ever get back together with Justin Bieber -- but it looks l... more info
18:52 on July 30 2013

Justin Bieber Shirtless Again — Have We Considered That He Might Not Own Shirts?

Big Apple Music SceneI just realized that I might have been being unjustly hard on Justin Bieber lately. He's been showing up shirtless in so many public places that I just assumed he was an ... more info


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