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3 stories in this thread

18:00 on October 30 2013

Justin Bieber Apparently Spent $7,000 On One Stripper, Still Can’t Afford A Shirt

Big Apple Music SceneYou guys I think I figured out why Justin Bieber never has the money to buy enough shirts to wear or to provide for the exotic animals that people keep inexplicably givin... more info
00:03 on October 31 2013

Justin Bieber Spends $10,000 on Strippers

411 ManiaIncluding $7,000 on one... more info
18:57 on October 31 2013

Justin Bieber Graffitis ‘Free Breezy’ On A Building In Colombia, And No This Title Wasn’t Created With Mad Libs

Big Apple Music SceneLast night Justin Bieber spent his time graffitting up Bogota, Colombia with some real powerful messages. And by powerful, I mean whhaatt is going on that head of his? Mo... more info


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