Justin Bieber Is MIA To His Own Concert, Because Showing Up On Time Is Totes Lame
Here we go again. After his tardiness in London during his Believe tour, Justin Bieber pulls another fast one on us and shows up fashionably late to his concert in Des Moines, Iowa. When I say "fashionably," I don't mean the twenty minutes my girlfriends and I wait outside a party so we look cool walking in when everyone's already there. Justin arrived THREE hours after the show was scheduled to start, understandably enraging Beliebers and their mommies and daddies. More »Justin Bieber Is MIA T...
Big Apple Music Scene — Here we go again. After his tardiness in London during his Believe tour, Justin Bieber pulls another fast one on us and shows up fashionably late to his concert in Des Mo... more info