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4 stories in this thread

13:52 on November 23 2016

Justin Bieber Sucker Punches A Guy In The Face Before His Barcelona Show: Watch

IdolatorUm, dude? more info
08:21 on November 23 2016

Justin Bieber's punch 'victim' is a MINOR who could sue the Sorry singer

The Mirror The teenage fan was left with a bloodied face after an altercation with Justin more info
11:39 on November 23 2016

WATCH the moment Justin Bieber punches a teenage fan in the face in Barcelona

The Mirror The Sorry singer lashed out at a boy when the fan got a little too close for comfort more info
08:19 on November 24 2016

Justin Bieber's punch victim threatens Sorry singer with legal action - and says his lawyer is dealing with the situation

The Mirror Teenager Kevin Ramirez who got his mouth bloodied while trying to touch the star has escalated his complaint more info


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