Justin Bieber allegedly couldn't walk in a straight line when he was arrested last month.New video footage, released by Miami-Dade County prosecutors...
TMZ — Here it is ... the footage of Justin Bieber in jail last month following his DUI arrest ... the same footage Bieber tried to keep out of the public eye ... but it may act... more info
Time — New footage released Wednesday shows Justin Bieber looking a little unsteady on his feet as he tries walking heel to toe while performing a sobriety test. The snippet com... more info
ContactMusic — Video footage showing pop superstar Justin Bieber stumbling through his sobriety test following his January (14) arrest for Dui has been released by... more info
ContactMusic — Justin Bieber allegedly couldn't walk in a straight line when he was arrested last month.New video footage, released by Miami-Dade County prosecutors... more info