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4 stories in this thread

08:55 on April 18 2014

Justin Bieber Crashes Drake Bell's Album Release Party

TMZJustin Bieber finally responded to Drake Bell's incessant Twitter insults by crashing his album release party Thursday night and basically saying ... YOUR FANS LIKE ME BE... more info
18:42 on April 18 2014

Justin Bieber Gets Revenge On Drake Bell By Crashing His Album Party News Bieber sends fans into a frenzy at Bell's release party. By Christina Garibaldi more info
19:59 on April 18 2014

Justin Bieber crashed Drake Bell's party

ContactMusicJustin Bieber crashed Drake Bell's album party on Thursday night (17.04.14).The 20-year-old singer - who has been repeatedly attacked by the former... more info
06:04 on April 19 2014

Justin Bieber Attempted To Crash Drake Bell's Album Release Party

ContactMusicJustin Bieber wanted to get revenge on Drake Bell.The 20 year-old pop star attempted to crash the 27 year-old's album release party on Thursday night... more info


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