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6 stories in this thread

15:15 on July 29 2016

Justin Bieber turned down $5M to perform at RNC: report

MSN MusicSorry, but Justin Bieber can't be bought. The pop star reportedly turned down a $5 million offer to perform at a Republican event during last week's GOP conventio... more info
14:25 on July 29 2016

Justin Bieber reportedly turns down $5 million offer to perform at Republican Party event

NMEThe Canadian pop star was told it would be a non-political event more info
09:00 on July 29 2016

Justin Bieber -- Sorry, GOP ... I'm Not for Sale

TMZJustin Bieber got a $5 million offer to perform at a Republican event during the GOP Convention, but turned it down after his manager considered quitting and LeBron James... more info
16:51 on July 29 2016

Justin Bieber rejected $5 million to play Republican National Convention

Mercury News, CaliforniaJustin Bieber turned down big paycheck to perform at the RNC in Cleveland, was falsely told LeBron James was also part of the event, according to report. more info
00:15 on July 30 2016

Justin Bieber has SNUBBED Donald Trump's offer

The Mirror Is The Donald still going to be a Belieber after this? more info
14:48 on July 30 2016

Justin Bieber Turns Down Performing At A Donald Trump Convention Event NewsManager Scooter Braun 'considered quitting' if Bieber had accepted the offer. more info


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