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3 stories in this thread

22:36 on January 29 2014

Justin Bieber -- To Be Charged With Criminal Assault

TMZJustin Bieber will be charged with CRIMINAL ASSAULT for allegedly attacking a limousine driver ... TMZ has learned.Justin took a limo in Toronto in December and got into ... more info
23:17 on January 29 2014

Bieber to turn himself into Toronto police

CNN ShowbizJustin Bieber is in Toronto to face an assault charge in connection with an encounter with a limousine driver a month ago, a source close to the singer told CNN Wednesday... more info
17:33 on January 30 2014

Justin Bieber turns himself in, charged with assault in Toronto

TopixIs there anything you would like to tell us about how we are doing? What you'd like to see more of on Much or on Thank you for completing our MuchCloser survey. more info


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