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3 stories in this thread

21:56 on January 3 2011

Justin Timberlake - It's Not Timberlake On Leaked Track

ContactMusicJUSTIN TIMBERLAKE fans have been fooled by a new leaked track - it's not him.A song called Take You Down appeared online last week (ends31Dec10) and sent devotees into a ... more info
22:33 on January 3 2011

Justin Timberlake's 'new song' is actually a Danish knock-off

L.A. Times - EntertainmentTurns out a song leaked last week is by a would-be sensation named Rasmus Thude.Turns out a song leaked last week is by a would-be sensation named Rasmus Thude. more info
22:08 on January 3 2011

Justin Timberlake's 'new song' is actually a Danish knock-off

L.A. Times - Pop & HissThe dawn of 2011 held special promise, it seemed, for fans of Justin Timberlake's music. Though the nearly thirtysomething star recently told Times reporter Chris Lee tha... more info


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