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3 stories in this thread

23:55 on September 14 2010

Kanye West’s ‘Runaway’ Will Be 40 Minutes And Deal With Racism Against Phoenixes

IdolatorIf you were wondering why Kanye West hasn’t been up to his regular pace of tweets as of late, it’s because he’s too busy performing in fluorescent suits and working... more info
13:01 on September 15 2010

Kanye West Breaks Silence Over New Film-Noir Movie

GigwiseThat will accompany his new album... more info
22:25 on September 15 2010

Kanye West 40-Minute “Runaway” Short Film Will Be Longest Music VIDEO In History

Pop CrunchKanye West will release the longest music video in history with the release of a 40-minute epic for his new “Runaway” single, NY Mag reported on Wednesday.The music v... more info


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