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4 stories in this thread

07:01 on February 8 2012

Kanye West wanted to be big as Jackson

Monsters and Critics more info
19:02 on February 8 2012

Kanye West Had Crazy Demands For Australian Tour

411 ManiaNo man made fibers... more info
05:45 on February 8 2012

Kanye West - Kanye West Wanted To Be Big As Jackson

ContactMusicKanye West once declared he would be the next Michael Jackson The POWER hitmaker is renowned for his outspoken nature and even in his early days as a young rapper he was ... more info
13:30 on February 8 2012

Kanye West’s Demands In New Rider Include Versace Towels … And No Polyester!!!

Perez HiltonGod help you if you show up backstage at one of his shows in a man-made fiber. You'll be TOAST! Kanye West is a big name and a huge artist, which means he's entitled to m... more info


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