Kanye West has premiered his 35-minute film "Runaway" during a whistle-stop promotional trip to Europe. The rapper presented the short film in Paris, France on Tuesday and officially premiered the...
Idolator — Kanye West premiered his 40-minute short film Runaway in London last night, and in his lengthy Q&A following the screening, the rapper dropped some details about My Beaut... more info
ContactMusic — KANYE WEST has premiered his 35-minute film RUNAWAY during a whistle-stop promotional trip to Europe.The rapper presented the short film in Paris, France on Tuesday... more info
Starpulse — Kanye West has premiered his 35-minute film "Runaway" during a whistle-stop promotional trip to Europe. The rapper presented the short film in Paris, France on Tuesday a... more info
MTV.co.uk News — Kanye West hosted a packed screening of his first film Runaway last night in London. The rapper came on stage at the prestigous BAFTA screening room to introduce the 35... more info