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3 stories in this thread

06:42 on September 2 2010

Katy Perry Goes Futuristic In 'Teenage Dream' German TV Spot NewsPop star shoots 90-second commercial to current single as she channels characters including Marilyn Monroe.By James Dinh Katy Perry in her commercial for German TV c... more info
18:44 on September 2 2010

Katy Perry Goes Futuristic In 'Teenage Dream' German TV Spot

VH1 NewsKaty Perry shot a 90-second commercial for German TV channel ProSieben's "Star Force" in which the pop star portrays a futuristic singing robot. more info
00:17 on September 4 2010

Which Wigged Out Katy Perry From This German TV Spot Do You Prefer?

IdolatorKaty Perry recently filmed a TV spot for the German TV show Star Force, and the happy pop songstress modeled three very different retro looks in the 90-second clip while ... more info


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