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3 stories in this thread

18:23 on February 24 2009

Katy Perry: I Kissed a Jacko

TMZFiled under: Paparazzi Photo, Fashion Police, Full Throttle Fashion Wearing a hat, shades and scarf/mask from the Michael Jackson Travel Line, faux sapphic singer Katy ... more info
22:25 on February 24 2009

Katy Perry vs Meat Puppets, Stubb's, New York Dolls, Echo & the Bunnymen, Hot Leg & other SXSW stuff

Brooklyn VeganMeat Puppets @ ATP NY 2008 (more by Abbey Braden) Stubb's in Austin is like Roseland Ballroom in NYC, except it's outdoors, it's conveniently located downt... more info
22:25 on February 24 2009

Katy Perry vs Meat Puppets, Stubb's, New York Dolls, Echo & the Bunnymen, Hot Leg & other SXSW stuff

Brooklyn VeganMeat Puppets @ ATP NY 2008 (more by Abbey Braden) Stubb's in Austin is like Roseland Ballroom in NYC, except it's outdoors, it's conveniently located downtown near all th... more info


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