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5 stories in this thread

05:02 on November 14 2012

Lemme Get an Encore: The Rolling Stones

Consequence of SoundFifty years is a long time to waste. more info
14:19 on November 14 2012

Shorties (Pete Townshend on Rock as Journalism, Keith Richards on Fifty Years of the Rolling Stones, and more)

LargeHeartedBoyKeith Richards talks to All Things Considered about the 50-year history of the Rolling Stones. Shelf Life interviews Jami Attenberg about her new novel The Middlesteins. ... more info
21:05 on November 14 2012

Keith Richards Talks About The Rolling Stones' 50th Anniversary Tour

411 ManiaThey felt pressure to celebrate... more info
06:22 on November 15 2012

The Rolling Stones were 'relieved' to reunite

ContactMusicKeith Richards said the Rolling Stones were relieved to reunite.The band celebrate their 50th anniversary this year with a greatest hits album,... more info
21:00 on November 15 2012

Top 10 Rolling Stones moments

Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada The Stones just keep on rolling. The legendary band is set to celebrate their 50th anniversary in style. more info


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