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3 stories in this thread

13:18 on September 12 2012

Kelly Clarkson Covers “We Found Love” + Greatest Hits Album by Christmas!

Mjsbigblog Kelly Clarkson covered "We Found Love" by Rihanna last night in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Kelly will release a Greatest Hits album by Christmas. It will have new materi... more info
17:38 on September 12 2012

Kelly Clarkson Covers Rihanna In Concert!

Perez HiltonKelly Clarkson's latest tour has been all about the covers — and last night's show in VA Beach was no exception! The American Idol alum delighted her audience with her... more info
06:05 on September 13 2012

Kelly Clarkson Covers Mazzy Star’s “Fade Into You” (VIDEO)

Mjsbigblog Kelly Clarkson covered Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You" in Charlotte NC last night Video after the jump! more info


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