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3 stories in this thread

23:29 on June 7 2018

Kenny Loggins Talks Up “Danger Zone (2019)” For Top Gun Sequel

StereogumKenny Loggins' "Danger Zone" is as corny, iconic, and bad-ass as the movie it soundtracked, Top Gun. The song was a huge success following Top Gun's premiere 1986. It was... more info
13:00 on June 6 2018

Kenny Loggins is Ready To Re-Record 'Danger Zone' For 'Top Gun 2'

TMZKenny Loggins is ready to ride into the "Danger Zone" again, but he doesn't necessarily want to do it alone. Loggins recorded the classic "Top Gun" theme song back in the... more info
21:31 on June 7 2018

Kenny Loggins is recording a new version of “Danger Zone” for Top Gun: Maverick

Consequence of SoundLooks like the '80s best song is also getting a reboot. more info


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