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8 stories in this thread

19:00 on March 6 2014

Khloe Kardashian Buys Justin Bieber's Troubled California Mansion

ContactMusicJustin Bieber has made a $1.2 million (£750,000) profit on his Calabasas, California home after selling the mansion to reality Tv star Khloe... more info
19:49 on March 6 2014

Is Khloe Kardashian Moving Into Justin Bieber's Mansion? News Kardashian has reportedly purchased the Calabasas, California, home that was the site of Bieber's alleged egging incident. By Gil Kaufman ... more info
19:59 on March 6 2014

Khloe Kardashian buys Justin Bieber's house

ContactMusicKhloe Kardashian has bought Justin Bieber's house. The reality TV star has splashed out on the mansion in gated community The Oaks, located in... more info
21:01 on March 6 2014

Khloe Kardashain 'buys Justin Bieber's Calabasas party pad'

The Daily MailKhloe Kardashian will be living in one of the most talked-about houses in Calabasas. On Thursday UsWeekly reported the 29-year-old has snapped up Justin Bieber's mansion,... more info
02:18 on March 7 2014

Khloe Kardashian reportedly buys Justin Bieber's party house

L.A. Times - EntertainmentExit Justin Bieber, enter Khloe Kardashian: The reality-TV star has purchased Justin Bieber's Calabasas home, according to reports out Thursday.     more info
02:18 on March 7 2014

Khloe Kardashian reportedly buys Justin Bieber's party house

L.A. Times - News more info
11:02 on March 7 2014

Khloe Kardashian Buys Justin Bieber's Mansion: She'd Better Not Throw Eggs!

ContactMusicKhloe Kardashian is set to move into Justin Bieber's home, after the rebellious pop singer was practically driven out. The reality television star,... more info
13:28 on March 7 2014

Khloe Kardashian 'Buying Justin Bieber's House' NewsReality TV star reported to have snapped up pop heart throb's property near LA... more info


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