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4 stories in this thread

20:58 on September 15 2009

New Reviews: Muse, Kid Cudi and Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson

Rolling StoneFresh off their performance at MTV’s Video Music Awards, British prog-rockers Muse return with their fifth studio album, The Resistance, an LP packed with symphonic gra... more info
12:09 on September 15 2009

Kid Cudi for Cheap*Kid Cudi* ('s new album in on sale for $3.99 on Amazon MP3 ( more info
12:22 on September 15 2009

Kid Cudi – Up, Up, And Away (The Wake And Bake Song)

We All Want Someone To Shout ForI’m really starting to enjoy Kid Cudi’s debut album more and more very slowly. Every day I find new appreciation for another track. Right now “Up, Up, And Away (The... more info
11:15 on September 16 2009

Albums as good as Kid Cudi's come once in a blue 'Moon'

Kid Cudi piqued everybody's interest writing and performing on Kanye West's love-gone-bad opus 808s & Heartbreak. He surpasses ... more info


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