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2 stories in this thread

17:30 on February 19 2009

Today In Musician-Related Booze News: Jimi's Vodka Gets Unplugged, Kid Rock's Beer Gets Thumbs-Up [Drink Me]

Idolator• A judge has ruled that Hendrix Electric Vodka (prototype bottle shown at left) will disappear in a purple haze of legal reasons. Experience Hendrix and Authentic Hend... more info
14:27 on February 19 2009

Kid Rock's stimulus package calls for more Kid Rock beer

Paste MagazineHOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE MINUTES: 2/19/09 (Chairman Barney Frank called the committee to order at 9:25 a.m.) Rep. Frank: Uh, yes... the committee will now hea... more info


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