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4 stories in this thread

17:50 on April 30 2012

Kris Allen Performs Surprise Gig On Santa Monica Pier…Until A Rude Cop Shuts Him Down!

Perez HiltonWTF?! It was an honest mistake! No need to be a jerk about it! Kris Allen took to Twitter last night to inform fans that he was going to surprise them with an impromptu ... more info
18:08 on April 30 2012

Kris Allen - Kris Allen's Impromptu Gig Shut Down By Cops

ContactMusicAn impromptu outdoor gig by singer Kris Allen was shut down by California police on Sunday 29Apr12 because the American Idol winner didnt have a performance permit The Li... more info
13:39 on April 30 2012

Kris Allen Concert Shut Down By Security (VIDEO)

Mjsbigblog Whoops. The crowd at Kris Allen's secret show at Santa Monica Pier last night got so big that mall police pier security shut it down! more info
19:00 on April 30 2012

Cops shut down 'Idol' star's gig

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaAn impromptu outdoor gig by singer Kris Allen was shut down by California police on Sunday because the American Idol winner didn't have a performance permit. more info


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