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7 stories in this thread

15:51 on August 2 2010

The Lady Gaga Doth Protest Arizona’s Immigration Law

IdolatorLady Gaga added herself to the list of those protesting Arizona’s tough new immigration bill (SB 1070) over the weekend, but she didn’t do so by canceling her schedul... more info
05:22 on August 1 2010

Lady Gaga Urges Fans To Protest Immigration Law At Arizona Show News'I will hold you, and we will hold each other, and we will protest this state,' Gaga tells concertgoers during an Arizona concert on Saturday (July 31).By Mawuse Ziegbe ... more info
17:32 on August 1 2010

Lady Gaga Urges Fans To Protest Immigration Law At Arizona Show

VH1 NewsLady Gaga speaks out against the controversial immigration law, SB 1070, during an Arizona concert on Saturday. more info
07:17 on August 2 2010

Lady Gaga - Gaga Plays Controversial Arizona Gig

ContactMusicLADY GAGA refused to bow to pressure from her pop peers to cancel her concert in Arizona on Saturday (31Jul10) - instead using the gig to urge fans to protest the... more info
16:04 on August 2 2010

Lady Gaga Protests Arizona Immigration Law

411 ManiaBut plays Arizona show anyway... more info
11:09 on August 2 2010

Lady Gaga Refuses To Boycott Arizona Over Controversial Immigration Law

Pop CrunchLady Gaga is protesting Arizona’s controversial immigration law but refused to go along with a fellowship of other charttoppers — including Kanye West, Maroon 5, and ... more info
17:49 on August 2 2010

Lady Gaga Attacks Arizona's Immigration Law

TopixThe biggest pop star of the moment isn't shying away from speaking out on the hottest political issue in the country. more info


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