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5 stories in this thread

11:37 on August 6 2011

Lady Gaga 'Judas' plagiarism claims: Hear both songs on NME.COM

NMERebecca Francescatti claims track rips off her 1999 song 'Juda' more info
18:20 on August 5 2011

Lady Gaga Accused of Ripping Off 'Judas'

TMZFiled under: Lady Gaga, Music, Celebrity Justice Lady Gaga 's hit song "Judas" is a total rip-off of a 1999 song called "Juda" ... so says a si... more info
22:06 on August 5 2011

Lady Gaga - Gaga Sued Over Judas

ContactMusicLady Gaga has been hit with a copyright infringement lawsuit over allegations her hit single Judas was lifted from a song written by an aspiring singer. The pop superstar... more info
00:41 on August 6 2011

Lady Gaga Accused Of Copying 'Judas' From Singer

Sky NewsLady Gaga has been accused of copying her hit single "Judas" from a Chicago-based singer and songwriter. more info
04:36 on August 8 2011

Lady Gaga Sued Over 'Judas' Plagiarism Claims

GigwiseBy singer/songwriter... more info


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