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4 stories in this thread

23:25 on June 29 2016

Watch Lady Gaga and actor Chris Pine honour Orlando massacre victims in new video

NMEForty nine people lost their lives in the shooting earlier this month more info
22:10 on June 29 2016

Lady Gaga, Chris Pine and 47 More Stars Honor the 49 Victims of Orlando's Pulse Nightclub Shooting

People.comIn a video by the Human Rights Campaign, 49 stars share details of the victims' lives more info
01:09 on June 30 2016

Lady Gaga leads off 49 stars honoring 49 victims of the Orlando shooting

L.A. Times - EntertainmentLady Gaga and Chris Pine are the first two of 49 famous faces seen in a memorial video put out Wednesday by the Human Rights Campaign in remembrance of 49 people killed i... more info
01:42 on June 30 2016

Lady Gaga and 48 Other Celebrities Pay Tribute to Victims of Orlando Shooting in Video

TimeA group of 49 celebrities shared stories about each victim more info


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