Who shifts US magazines on the newsstands? According to an analysis of circulation figures, the answer is Lady Gaga.Covers featuring the Lady in Rolling Stone (8 July), pictured here, and Cosmopolitan (April) were their best-selling issues of the year. Vanity Fair's September issue with Gaga on the front was the title's second-best seller of the year (behind Angelina Jolie).Gaga was also the cover girl in the January issue of Elle, which was the magazine's third-best seller in 2010.The Lady "dom...
Guardian Music — Who shifts US magazines on the newsstands? According to an analysis of circulation figures, the answer is Lady Gaga.Covers featuring the Lady in Rolling Stone (8 July), p... more info
Perez Hilton — Lady GaGa can sell pretty much about anything, and that includes magazine covers.
According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, our GaGaloo held the highest number for n... more info