Pop icon Lady Gaga made social media history when she gained over 20-million Twitter followers. Now, however, a marketing company called StatusPeople says up to 72 percent of her 29-million followers are "fake" or "inactive"â¦meaning the "Born This Way" singer may not be as popular as we thought. John Basedow has the story.
Prefix — Monsters aren't real--and neither is the vast majority of the internet's Little Monsters, according to a new report ...
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The Newsroom — Pop icon Lady Gaga made social media history when she gained over 20-million Twitter followers. Now, however, a marketing company called StatusPeople says up to 72 percen... more info
Starpulse — Lady Gaga may have been the first person to have passed the 20 million follower mark on twitter, but a new social media tool that verifies whether followers are real or n... more info