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3 stories in this thread

17:56 on March 2 2016

Lady Gaga's grandma and aunt discovered she was rape survivor during the Oscars

Mercury News, CaliforniaSome of Lady Gaga’s family didn’t know she was rape survivor until she performed 'Til it Happens to You’ at Academy Awards. more info
22:12 on March 2 2016

Lady Gaga's family learns of her sexual abuse after emotional Oscars performance

L.A. Times - EntertainmentLady Gaga's poignant performance during Sunday's Academy Awards came as a surprise to many - including members of her own family who didn't know that she, too, was a surv... more info
11:46 on March 2 2016

Lady Gaga’s Grandma Couldn’t Be More Proud Of Her For Speaking Up As A Survivor NewsHer family had no idea until the Oscars more info


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