A couple months ago, Lana Del Rey was spotted in uniform behind the counter at a Waffle House, which naturally led to a viral moment when video of her seemingly working at the chain circulated around the internet. It happened during an extended stay in Florence, Alabama, where Lana was spotted at different places throughout the city. In a new interview with
The Hollywood Reporter
, she explained how it all came about. She was hanging out with her brother and sister, and had already been to t...
Stereogum —
A couple months ago, Lana Del Rey was spotted in uniform behind the counter at a Waffle House, which naturally led to a viral moment when video of her seemingly workin... more info
Consequence Of Sound — The singer was encouraged to take a quick order after spending several hours at a booth with her brother and sister.
Lana Del Rey Explains Her Viral Shift at Waffle Hous... more info