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3 stories in this thread

21:20 on December 6 2010

Lance Bass Wants Justin Timberlake To Have An Oscar

Perez HiltonBut does he want it more than Justin agreeing to a reunion tour that would make them bazillions of dollars? That's the question we would have asked. Lance Bass was recent... more info
08:06 on December 7 2010

Justin Timberlake - Bass Backs Timberlake For Oscar

ContactMusicJUSTIN TIMBERLAKE's former 'NSYNC bandmate LANCE BASS is backing his pal to win an Academy Award nomination for his "amazing" turn in THE SOCIAL NETWORK.The SexyBack... more info
16:22 on December 7 2010

Lance Bass Says Justin Timberlake 'Deserves' An Oscar

StarpulseJustin Timberlake's former 'Nsync bandmate Lance Bass is backing his pal to win an Academy Award nomination for his "amazing" turn in The Social Network. The SexyBack h... more info


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