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6 stories in this thread

12:13 on February 11 2010

Leona Lewis 'Outraged' Foie Gras Was On Brit Awards Menu

GigwiseShe hits out... more info
07:11 on February 12 2010

Leona Lewis - Lewis Bans Foie Gras At Brit Awards

ContactMusicLEONA LEWIS has already triumphed at the upcoming 2010 BRIT Awards - after successfully convincing organisers to take foie gras off the event's menu.The animal lover... more info
11:06 on February 12 2010

Leona Lewis - Peta Backs Lewis Brits Campaign

ContactMusicExecutives at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have praised organisers of the BRIT Awards for granting LEONA LEWIS' request to have foie gras removed fr... more info
17:52 on February 11 2010

Leona Lewis "Outraged" Brit Awards Were Serving Foie Gras

AngryApeOn the menu at next week's ceremony more info
00:00 on February 12 2010

Leona Lewis boycott threat forces Brit awards to ditch foie-gras from menu

The MirrorLeona Lewis has had a taste of her first Brit's victory after threatening to boycott the awards. more info
12:53 on February 12 2010

Leona Lewis Praised By PETA Over BRITs Foie Gras Stance

AngryApeShe pressured organisers to pull the meal off the menu more info


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