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3 stories in this thread

22:09 on October 11 2009

R.I.P. Oasis

We All Want Someone To Shout ForThis is a few days old, but  everyone’s favorite British band is officially kaput. Liam confirmed the obvious to the media yesterday. Noel walked out on the band a m... more info
12:21 on October 12 2009

Steve Jones: Oasis' Heyday Was Over

Stopcryingyourheartout.comSteve Jones has said he doesn't mind that Oasis have split as the band were past their heyday.The T4 presenter said he was a big fan of the "phenomenal band" - but he did... more info
18:06 on October 12 2009

Liam Gallager Comments On Oasis Break-Up

411 Mania"When I'm ready, you will hear my side of the story." more info


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