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3 stories in this thread

04:20 on September 16 2010

Liam Gallagher Funds War Veterans Expedition

GigwiseTo the Himalayas... more info
07:07 on September 16 2010

Liam Gallagher - Generous Gallagher Pays For Soldiers Life Changing Trip

ContactMusicRocker LIAM GALLAGHER is using his own money to send a former British marine on an expedition to the Himalayas to help him overcome the horrific scenes he witnessed at wa... more info
05:06 on September 16 2010

Liam Gallagher's Help For Hero

Stopcryingyourheartout.comLiam Gallagher was once the wildman of Britpop.Now he's turning into a modern-day Jimmy Savile.The former Oasis frontman is dipping into his pocket to help an ex-soldier ... more info


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