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4 stories in this thread

08:10 on March 26 2013

Lil Wayne - I Am Not a Human Being II Review

411 ManiaLil Wayne is back with his tenth studio album, I Am Not a Human Being II! But can the album put Wayne back on top after a rocky few years? 411's Jeremy Thomas checks in... more info
08:11 on March 26 2013

Lil Wayne - I Am Not A Human Being II Review (2)

411 ManiaLil Wayne officially hits double digits with his tenth studio album. Is it a standout album above the rest, or does it fall flat in the midst of Wayne's health issues? 41... more info
06:29 on March 25 2013

Lil Wayne is only 'Human,' but an entertaining one

USA Today MusicThe rapper's latest album is a sequel to 2010's 'I Am Not a Human Being.' more info
20:57 on March 25 2013

Album review: Lil Wayne's 'I Am Not a Human Being II'

L.A. Times - Pop & HissThe title of Lil Wayne’s new album rings familiar, and not just because it’s the sequel to a 2010 disc. On “I Am Not a Human Being II,” the famously out-there rap... more info


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