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4 stories in this thread

21:03 on October 20 2010

Lil Wayne - Lil Wayne Celebrating As New Album Climbs Back To Number One

ContactMusicRapper LIL WAYNE has taken over at the top of the U.S. album charts two weeks after he debuted new album I AM NOT A HUMAN BEING at number two on the countdown.The album..... more info
21:16 on October 20 2010

On the charts: The Lil Wayne experiment, and how far north are the Far East Movement?

L.A. Times - Pop & HissAt the top: Behind bars, but he still has near-free reign of the U.S. pop charts. Rapper Lil Wayne returns to a familiar position as "I Am Not A Human Being" bolts to No.... more info
21:33 on October 20 2010

On the charts: The Lil Wayne experiment, and how far north are the Far East Movement?

L.A. Times - EntertainmentRapper Lil Wayne returns to a familiar position as "I Am Not A Human Being" bolts to No. 1 after falling to No. 16 last week.Rapper Lil Wayne returns to a familiar positi... more info
22:59 on October 20 2010

Jailed rapper Lil Wayne busts out atop album chart

ReutersNEW YORK (Billboard) - Two weeks after jailed rapper Lil Wayne's "I Am Not a Human Being" debuted at No. 2 on the U.S. pop album chart exclusively from download sales, it... more info


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