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4 stories in this thread

12:00 on November 4 2010

Lil Wayne -- Free at Last!

TMZFiled under: Lil Wayne, Celebrity Justice Lil Wayne is officially a free man. The rapper was released this morning from Rikers Island ... more info
13:10 on November 4 2010

Lil Wayne Is A Free Man!

Perez HiltonAfter serving 8 months in prison for attempted criminal possession of a weapon, Lil Wayne is back on the streets! He was released from Rikers Island jail in New York Cit... more info
15:43 on November 2 2010

Lil Wayne Writes Last Prison Letter NewsLil Wayne has written his last letter to his fans from prison. The rapper is set for release this week after serving 80% of a jail sentence for possession of a firearm. Â... more info
16:13 on November 3 2010

Lil Wayne’s Ex Working On Book NewsLil Wayne’s ex wife looks set to write a tell-all book about her life with the superstar rapper.Weezy released his last prison letter before his release this week, afte... more info


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