Lil Wayne Personally Thanks Nearly 100 Fans On Blog
Incarcerated Young Money boss expresses gratitude to followers for their thoughts, gifts, prayers on Jayson Rodriguez
Lil Wayne
Photo: Kevin Mazur/ WireImage
Lil Wayne posted the third letter to his fans on his website, on Monday (June 28). The post follows Weezy's Mother's Day letter written last month and and initial note in April written when he first launched the site from prison to communicate with fans.
In the new message, Wayne writes that... News — Incarcerated Young Money boss expresses gratitude to followers for their thoughts, gifts, prayers on Jayson Rodriguez
Lil Wayne
Photo: Kevin Ma... more info News — Incarcerated rapper Lil Wayne has updated his fans on how he’s doing behind bars in Rikers Island and thanked everyone again for being so supportive. He also congratula... more info
VH1 News — Lil Wanye posted the third letter on, personally responding to nearly 100 fans by name and thanking them for their support. more info
ContactMusic — Incarcerated rapper LIL WAYNE has written a touching online tribute to a select group of fans to personally thank them for their loyal support.The hip-hop star, who... more info
Starpulse — Incarcerated rapper Lil Wayne has written a touching online tribute to a select group of fans to personally thank them for their loyal support. The hip-hop star, who is ... more info