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5 stories in this thread

07:06 on January 13 2012

Lil Wayne - Lil Wayne Writing Prison Memoir

ContactMusicRapper Lil Wayne will open up about his life behind bars in a new prison memoir The Lollipop hitmaker walked free from the Rikers Island complex in New York on 4 November... more info
04:51 on January 13 2012

Lil Wayne To Release Prison Memoir

GigwiseAbout his eight-month sentence... more info
11:05 on January 13 2012

Lil Wayne to publish prison memoir

Guardian MusicGone Till November will recount rapper's eight-month stint at Rikers Island jailLike Samuel Pepys, Thomas de Quincey and Henry David Thoreau before him, Lil Wayne is writ... more info
13:40 on January 13 2012

Lil Wayne To Pen Prison Memoir

StarpulseRapper Lil Wayne will open up about his life behind bars in a new prison memoir. The Lollipop hit-maker walked free from the Rikers Island complex in New York on Novemb... more info
14:22 on January 13 2012

Lil Wayne - Lil Wayne To Release Prison Memoir

ContactMusicLil Wayne is set to release a prison memoir The Lollipop hitmaker is expected to share his internal monologue of transcribed entries from journals he wrote while in priso... more info


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