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4 stories in this thread

13:26 on March 6 2010

Lily Allen - Ill Allen Smokes On Stage

ContactMusicLILY ALLEN flouted the U.K. smoking ban once again during a gig on Friday (05Mar10) - despite suffering from a chest infection.The singer puffed on a cigarette throughout... more info
20:03 on March 7 2010

Lily Allen Is Smoking in Public

411 ManiaAnd with a chest infection... more info
15:01 on March 6 2010

Lily Allen smokes on stage

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaLily Allen flouted the U.K. smoking ban once again during a gig on Friday - despite suffering from a chest infection. more info
09:56 on March 8 2010

Lily Allen Flouts Smoking Ban

AngryApeShe lit up a cigarette on stage during a live show more info


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