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3 stories in this thread

17:00 on September 20 2013

Listen to Hudson Mohawke’s remix of Jackson and his Computerband’s “Vista”

Consequence of SoundOff the forthcoming G.I. Jane (Fill Me Up) EP. more info
16:09 on September 20 2013

Listen to Hudson Mohawke Remix Jackson and His Computerband

XLR8RWe're certain that the demand for the finely honed production skills of Hudson Mohawke (pictured above) is nearing critical mass at this point, but that doesn't... more info
23:11 on September 20 2013

Hudson Mohawke, Jackson and his Computer Band: Listen: Jackson And His Computerband- "Vista" (Hudson Mohawke Remix)

PrefixHudson Mohawke has had quite the busy year. First signing on to G.O.O.D Music as a producer earlier this year, ... Read the full article at more info


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