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3 stories in this thread

16:03 on October 21 2013

Justin Bieber Continues Romancing With New Song 'Hold Tight'

StarpulseJust Bieber still has his mind on romance. The pop star released his third song for Music Mondays - and it's the third song in which Bieber sounds forlorn. more info
15:36 on October 22 2013

Justin Bieber #MusicMonday: 'Hold Tight' Just So-So

StarpulseI’ll try to be nice, but it’s kinda difficult, particularly when there is plenty of room for criticism and scrutinization.  Let me say it this way.  Is it just me o... more info
16:15 on October 21 2013

Listen to Justin Bieber's new song 'Hold Tight'

L.A. Times - Pop & HissJustin Bieber still has his bed on the brain. more info


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