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5 stories in this thread

16:12 on June 24 2016

Stream Jenny Lewis Supergroup Nice As Fuck’s Surprise-Released Debut LP

StereogumNice As Fuck — the supergroup comprising Jenny Lewis, Erika Forster, and Tennessee Thomas — surprise-released their self-titled debut album today. Lewis tweeted the n... more info
17:00 on June 24 2016

Stream: Jenny Lewis supergroup Nice as Fuck’s surprise album

Consequence of SoundThe trio's debut LP spans nine new tracks. more info
16:57 on June 24 2016

Jenny Lewis' band NAF (Nice As Fuck) release debut album (listen)

Brooklyn VeganThe Jenny Lewis/Erika Forster/Tennessee Thomas supergroup NAF (aka Nice As Fuck) made their surprise debut a few months ago, and they've been keeping most details of... more info
17:30 on June 24 2016

Listen to the new album from Jenny Lewis' supergroup

NMENAF surprise released the record today NAF surprise released the record today more info
17:44 on June 24 2016

Jenny Lewis' Band Nice as F--k Surprise-Release Debut LP

Rolling StoneJenny Lewis's new band Nice as Fuck – featuring Au Revoir Simone's Erika Forster and the Like's Tennessee Thomas – has surprise-released its self-titled deb... more info


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