Live, Laugh, Links: Touch Yourself If You Love Mother Earth.
•Masturbation goes green with Alicia Silverstone. As if. (Gurl)
•Although, Cindy Gallop does talk about the importance of owing a vibrator. She just doesn't mention if it should be eco-friendly or not. (The Frisky)
•If you've ever had an "OUCH! not there!" experience or 5, you'll appreciate this list of the most annoying things men do in bed. I hope it's as good for you as it was for me. (CollegeCandy)
•Always remember your Mentos, so as not be known as halitosis Heather.... More »
Big Apple Music Scene — •Masturbation goes green with Alicia Silverstone. As if. (Gurl)
•Although, Cindy Gallop does talk about the importance of owing a vibrator. She just doesn't mention ... more info